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About Mt. Horeb United Methodist Church

We Live, We Love,
We Serve

The Mt. Horeb Congregation  tirelessly works together to support one another, the surrounding community, mission work in adjoining communities and in outreach to needs existing in our nation and world.

We believe that Christians are called to do more than simply say we are here if you need us.  Our desire is to reach out in Christian love to people everywhere and minister to them where they are.

If you feel God is also leading you in this direction, we invite you to join us on this exciting faith journey and in His service.


                       Our Beliefs


We believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that He gave His life  on the cross to pay the price for our sins.  We believe that He rose victoriously from the dead and soon thereafter ascended into Heaven where He sits at the Father's right hand, making intercession for us today.

We believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God and is the standard rule of faith in all we believe, say, and do.

In the name of Christ, we are called to love one another, pray for one another, be there for one another, and help one another as we genuinely seek out God's desire for every precious life. 



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